Welcome to the Palo Alto/University Rotary Club (PAURotary.com). We fondly refer to ourselves as the Mavericks* because we do things a little differently. Here are a few facts about who we are. Please take a few minutes to search through our website to learn more about us. We are a diverse group of community leaders and business owners interested in "Service Above Self" and conduct ourselves by the Four Way Test.
When you join us, YOU will:
Effect changes within our community
Form new friendships and build your network
Make a global impact
Gain new skills and grow as a leader
It has been said: "People join Rotary for the Service...but stay because of the Fellowship."
You need to participate to appreciate the Rotary Experience!
I welcome you to our 7:30 am - 8:30 am Friday morning meetings at the Sheraton Hotel in Palo Alto to meet our club members. We enjoy getting an early start on Fridays...then it's off to work, or back into our communities for a wonderful day of friendship and service!
See you soon!
Warmest regards,
Leif Erickson